Saturday, February 20, 2010

Neo Millennial and Web 2.0 Learners

It may sound like training jargon but you may have to get used to terms such as ‘neo-millennial learning’ and ‘distributed learning communities’ because they are being touted across the training industry as a shift away from traditional educational and training methods to a new way of learning.

The internet has revolutionized the way in which we access information. Collaborative learning techniques, blended learning, ubiquitous learning and full online courses have all changed the way in which training and educational courses are delivered and in turn have fostered new learning styles which have enabled interactive and social media to come to the fore.

Chris Dede of Harvard University has identified three new developments which will ultimately shape the way in which we learn and our use of technology. Initiatives such as Web 2.0 can provide participants with access to experts and information across the world by allowing collaborations, interactions and virtual communities to be built. MUVE’s allow users to create digital characters of themselves or avatars which can interact in a virtual environment. This provides the means for collaborative learning techniques and the ability for trainers to set challenges and activities within the course delivery. Ubiquitous computing through the use of mobile and wireless technology can aid participants in accessing materials, information and resources at anytime and in any location.

1 comment:

  1. My how things have changed since we were in school which really wasn't too long ago. I remember getting high speed internet and cable for the first time. Now my students can't believe there was a time when these things didn't exist. They are the epitome of Web 2.0 learners. They are in 5th grade and have blogs, wikis, and facebooks. They make their own mashups and videos. It's interesting to dream about what things will be like when they are in college. I wonder if any of them will actually go somewhere or if they will take courses online.
